About me

I am a computer scientist, educator, and a former start-up CPO. (Speechly got acquired by Roblox in September 2023.)

Currently I am on sabbatical. Occasionally I teach and do a bit of research or consulting. I am also a Docent (of data science) at the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki.


"Kuinka meitä huijataan netissä tekoälyn avulla?" (in Finnish), 4.12.2019 at Tiedekulma in Helsinki.

What is AI and will it take our jobs away?, 17.11.2016 at Oxford Internet Institute in Oxford, England.



  1. Tiina Kalliomäki-Levanto and Antti Ukkonen. An organizational digital footprint for interruption management: a data-driven approach. Information Technology & People. Volume 38, issue 8. 2022. (link to journal)
  2. Virpi Kalakoski, Andreas Henelius, Emilia Oikarinen, Antti Ukkonen and Kai Puolamäki. Cognitive ergonomics for data analysis. Experimental study of cognitive limitations in a data-based judgement task. Behaviour & Information Technology. 2019. (link to journal)
  3. Kai Puolamäki, Andreas Henelius, and Antti Ukkonen. Randomization algorithms for large sparse networks. Phys. Rev. E 99, 053311. 2019. (available at aps.org)
  4. Aristides Gionis, Michael Mathioudakis, and Antti Ukkonen. Bump hunting in the dark: Local discrepancy maximization on graphs. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Volume 29, Issue 3, pages 529 - 542. 2017.
  5. Juho Hamari, Mimmi Sköklint, and Antti Ukkonen. The sharing economy: Why people participate in collaborative consumption. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Volume 67, Issue 9, pages 2047 - 2059. 2016. (preprint at ResearchGate)
  6. Lauri Ahonen, Benjamin Cowley, Jari Torniainen, Antti Ukkonen, Arto Vihavainen, and Kai Puolamäki. Cognitive Collaboration Found in Cardiac Physiology: Study in Classroom Environment. PLOS ONE, Volume 11, Issue 7. 2016. (available at PLOS)
  7. Matti Nelimarkka, Vilma Lehtinen, Kai Kuikkaniemi, Giulio Jacucci, and Antti Ukkonen. Threading and conversation in co-located chats. Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 53, December 2015, pages 324 - 331. 2015. (available at ScienceDirect)
  8. Francesco Bonchi, Aristides Gionis, Francesco Gullo, Charalampos Tsourakakis, and Antti Ukkonen. Chromatic Correlation Clustering. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, Volume 9, Issue 4. 2015. (available at ACM)
  9. Francesco Bonchi, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, Aristides Gionis, and Antti Ukkonen. Activity Preserving Graph Simplification. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Volume 27, Issue 3. 2013. (available at Springer).
  10. Francesco Bonchi, Aristides Gionis, and Antti Ukkonen. Overlapping Correlation Clustering. Knowledge and Information Systems, 2013. (An early version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of ICDM 2011.) (available at Springer)
  11. Ilaria Bordino, Stefano Battiston, Guido Caldarelli, Matthieu Cristelli, Antti Ukkonen, and Ingmar Weber. Web search queries can predict stock market volumes. PLOS ONE, Volume 7, Issue 7. 2012. (available at PLOS)
  12. Antti Ukkonen. Clustering Algorithms for Chains. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 12(Apr):1389-1423, 2011. (pdf at JMLR)
  13. Antti Ukkonen, Kai Puolamäki, Aristides Gionis and Heikki Mannila. A Randomized Approximation Algorithm for Computing Bucket Orders. Information Processing Letters, Volume 109, Issue 7. 2009.

Conference proceedings (peer-reviewed)

  1. Janne Pylkkönen, Antti Ukkonen, Juho Kilpikoski, Samu Tamminen, and Hannes Heikinheimo. Fast Text-Only Domain Adaptation of RNN-Transducer Prediction Network. To appear in Proceedings of Interspeech 2021. (available at arXiv)
  2. Antti Ukkonen, Pyry Joona and Tuukka Ruotsalo. Generating Images Instead of Retrieving them: Relevance feedback on Generative Adversarial Networks. In Proceedings of ACM SIGIR 2020.
  3. Stefan Mojsilovic and Antti Ukkonen. Relative distance comparisons with confidence judgements. In Proceedings of SIAM SDM 2019. [pdf], [appendix]
  4. Antti Ukkonen. Crowdsourced correlation clustering with relative distance comparisons. In Proceedings of ICDM 2017. (long version at arXiv)
  5. Antti Ukkonen, Vladimir Dzyuba, and Matthijs van Leeuwen. Explaining Deviating Subsets through Explanation Networks. In Proceedings of ECMLPKDD 2017.
  6. Jussi Korpela, Emilia Oikarinen, Kai Puolamäki and Antti Ukkonen. Multivariate Confidence Intervals. In Proceedings of SDM 2017.
  7. Matthijs van Leeuwen and Antti Ukkonen. Expect the unexpected - On the significance of subgroups. In Proceedings of Discovery Science 2016.
  8. Andreas Henelius, Isak Karlsson, Panagiotis Papapetrou, Antti Ukkonen, and Kai Puolamäki. Semigeometric Tiling of Event Sequences. In Proceedings of ECMLPKDD 2016.
  9. Antti Ukkonen, Behrouz Derakhshan, and Hannes Heikinheimo: Crowdsourced Nonparametric Density Estimation using Relative Distances. In Proceedings of HCOMP 2015. (pdf)
  10. Ehsan Amid, Aristides Gionis, and Antti Ukkonen: A kernel-learning approach to semi-supervised clustering with relative distance comparisons. In Proceedings of ECMLPKDD 2015. (pdf)
  11. Ehsan Amid and Antti Ukkonen: Multiview Triplet Embedding: Learning Attributes in Multiple Maps. In Proceedings of ICML 2015. (pdf)
  12. Matthijs van Leeuwen and Antti Ukkonen: Same bang, fewer bucks: Efficient discovery of the cost-influence skyline. In Proceedings of SDM 2015. (pdf, supplementary information)
  13. Aristides Gionis, Michael Mathioudakis and Antti Ukkonen: Bump hunting in the dark: Local discrepancy maximization on graphs. In Proceedings of ICDE 2015.
  14. Antti Ukkonen: Indirect estimation of shortest path distributions with small-world experiments. In Proceedings of IDA 2014. (pdf)
  15. Matthijs van Leeuwen and Antti Ukkonen: Fast estimation of the pattern frequency spectrum. In Proceedings of ECMLPKDD 2014. (pdf, also check out the demo!)
  16. Francesco Bonchi, Francesco Gullo, Aris Gionis, and Antti Ukkonen: Distance oracles in edge-labeled graphs. In Proceedings of EDBT 2014. (pdf)
  17. Hannes Heikinheimo and Antti Ukkonen: The Crowd-Median Algorithm. In Proceedings of HCOMP 2013. (pdf)
  18. Matthijs van Leeuwen and Antti Ukkonen: Discovering Skylines of Subgroup Sets. In Proceedings of ECMLPKDD 2013. (pdf)
  19. Yasir Mehmood, Nicola Barbieri, Francesco Bonchi, and Antti Ukkonen. CSI: Community-level Social Influence analysis. In Proceedings of ECMLPKDD 2013.
  20. Francesco Bonchi, Aristides Gionis, Francesco Gullo, and Antti Ukkonen. Chromatic Correlation Clustering. In Proceedings of KDD 2012. (pdf, also see the "trailer" we submitted to the KDD-Madness program.)
  21. Ingmar Weber, Aristides Gionis, and Antti Ukkonen. Answers, Not Links - Extracting Tips from Yahoo! Answers. In Proceedings of WSDM 2012.
  22. Francesco Bonchi, Aristides Gionis, and Antti Ukkonen. Overlapping Correlation Clustering. In proceedings of ICDM 2011. (pdf)
  23. Michael Mathioudakis, Francesco Bonchi, Carlos Castillo, Aristides Gionis. and Antti Ukkonen. Sparsification of Influence Networks. In proceedings of KDD 2011. (pdf)
  24. Francesco Bonchi, Matthijs van Leeuwen, Antti Ukkonen. Characterizing Uncertain Data using Compression. In proceedings of SDM 2011. (pdf)
  25. Antti Ukkonen and Marta Arias. Example-dependent basis vector selection for kernel-based classifiers. In proceedings of ECML-PKDD 2010. (pdf)
  26. Antti Ukkonen. Mining Local Correlation Patterns in Sets of Sequences. In proceedings of Discovery Science 2009. (pdf)
  27. Antti Ukkonen, Carlos Castillo, Debora Donato, Aristides Gionis. Searching the Wikipedia with Contextual Information. In proceedings of CIKM 2008.
  28. Gemma Garriga, Antti Ukkonen, Heikki Mannila. Feature Selection in Taxonomies with Applications to Paleontology. In proceedings of Discovery Science 2008. (pdf)
  29. Antti Ukkonen and Heikki Mannila. Finding Outlying Items in Sets of Partial Rankings. In proceedings of PKDD 2007.
  30. Antti Ukkonen. Visualizing Sets of Partial Rankings. In proceedings of IDA 2007.
  31. Aristides Gionis, Heikki Mannila, Kai Puolamäki, Antti Ukkonen. Algorithms for Discovering Bucket Orders from Data. In proceedings of KDD2006.
  32. Antti Ukkonen, Mikael Fortelius and Heikki Mannila. Finding Partial Orders from Unordered 0-1 Data. In proceedings of KDD 2005.


  1. Marko Hassinen and Antti Ukkonen. A progressive resampling algorithm for finding very sparse investment portfolios. In Proceedings of MIDAS 2018, the 2018 ECMLPKDD Workshop on Mining Data for Financial Applications.
  2. Andreas Henelius, Kai Puolamäki, and Antti Ukkonen. Interpreting Opaque Classifiers through Attribute Interactions in Datasets. In Proceedings of the 2017 ICML Workshop on Human Interpretability in Machine Learning.

Book chapters

  1. Antti Ukkonen. Big Data ja laskennalliset menetelmät. In Otteita verkosta: verkon ja sosiaalisen median tutkimusmenetelmät. Eds. Salla-Maaria Laaksonen, Janne Matikainen & Minttu Tikka. Vastapaino. Tampere. 2013. (Website of the book)
  2. Antti Ukkonen. The Support Vector Tree. In Algorithms and Applications: Essays Deicated to Esko Ukkonen on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. Eds. Tapio Elomaa, Heikki Mannila, and Pekka Orponen. LNCS 6060, Springer. 2010. (pdf)
  3. Antti Ukkonen. Frequent Partial Orders. In Encyclopedia of Database Systems. Springer. 2009.

Technical reports

  1. Tiina Kalliomäki-Levanto, Antti Ukkonen, Virpi Kalakoski. Ratkaisuehdotuksia keskeyttävään työhön - Keskeyttävien työolomuutosten ennakointimalli tietointensiivisen työskentelyn parantamiseksi. Työterveyslaitos. 2016. (Julkari)
  2. Matthijs van Leeuwen and Antti Ukkonen. Estimating the pattern frequency spectrum inside the browser. 2014. (arxiv)
  3. Antti Ukkonen. Approximate Top-k Retrieval from Hidden Relations. TKK-ICS-R36, 2010. (arxiv)

Popular writings

  1. Hannes Heikinheimo and Antti Ukkonen. Ison datan alkulähteillä. 2015. In Tieto & Trendit, 2/2015, Tilastokeskus.


  1. Aristides Gionis, Antti Ukkonen, and Ingmar Weber. EXTRACTING TIPS. United States Patent Application 20130151514. 2013. (freepatentsonline.com)

Software & Data

Here you can find reference implementations of some algorithms I've worked on, and datasets used in some of my papers.

The Crowd-Median Datasets

Triplet data that we collected for the experiments in (Heikinheimo & Ukkonen, HCOMP 2013) is available here. Please see the README file for instructions. If you use this in your research, I am kindly asking you to cite our HCOMP 2013 paper.


Spectra is an algorithm for quickly estimating the "pattern frequency spectrum" of a binary dataset. This is a curve that shows the number of frequent itemsets for a given support threshold.

Please try out a demo, it will work even on your (smart)phone! Source code is available on GitHub.

The paper (van Leeuwen & Ukkonen, ECMLPKDD 2014) is available online, and more details about the demo in particular can be found in our short technical report.


Fast-Skyline is an algorithm for computing approximate “skylines” (non-dominated sets) of subsets of size-k subject to two functions, one linear, one submodular. That is, the algorithm computes the set of non-dominated subsets of size-k. This problem has applications in e.g. viral marketing.

The algorithm is described in (van Leeuwen & Ukkonen, SDM 2015), and extends the work in (van Leeuwen & Ukkonen, ECMLPKDD 2013). More information can be found here.


In our ECMLPKDD 2017 paper we describe a method for ranking subgroups using network-based techniques. The code is available on GitHub.

Cost calculator for binary classification

Cost calculator is a simple Javascript application for learning how asymmetric misclassification costs and imbalanced class distribution affect performance. I made this for teaching purposes, maybe it's useful for you too.


antti.ukkonen (at) helsinki.fi         (for teaching and research related things)
antti.ukkonen (at) gmail.com       (for other business)

My LinkedIn page